For many people, hedgehogs are associated with cute prickly animals that drag apples and mushrooms on their backs into a hole. In fact, the hedgehog is a predator that eats everything that it can find. And this is far from always mushrooms and berries ...
The scale of China in terms of population and the area of their territory has not surprised anyone for a long time. The Chinese are a very developed and hardworking people. No wonder they say: "If you do something well, then there will always be one Chinese who will do it even better." This also applies to military equipment and weapons, the development of which Chinese engineers keep secret, but not to say so in a very strict manner. That is why today we offer you to get acquainted with 12 types of secret and most powerful weapons and equipment invented by the Chinese.
Today we are ready to throw tomatoes at everyone who says that after 50, life is already gradually coming to its logical conclusion and all that remains to be done by men and women at this age is to nurse their grandchildren and dig a vegetable garden. But no! And today's heroine, a grandmother from Germany, will easily prove it! It's never too late to live, and even more so to live brightly and richly, the way she does it ...
Sometimes nature surprises people with its landscapes. In this case, cars served as a canvas for the masterpieces. A selection of photos with unusual frosty patterns on cars.
In many countries and cities, taxis are not just a yellow car with checkers, but a whole culture. These unusual examples of taxis that are collected here to surprise you ...
There are some women who are not afraid to go beyond the generally accepted framework and do as their hearts tell them, even if it alerts the society and raises a lot of perplexing questions. Ekaterina Mironova, a trucker from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia is just such a woman. She told about her work, a 20-ton truck and the dangers on the road in one of the interviews ...
It is generally accepted that man is the most developed mentally. However, do not underestimate the intelligence of some animals. This selection can show that animals could well become an obedient person for mental development ...
Previously, people did not believe that animals could smile, and believed that their antics were just muscular reflexes. But these photos will prove the opposite to you - animals are not only able to smile, some of them are even more photogenic than people ...
Their affairs were once the top topics of the yellow (and not only) press, but now no one even remembers them ... In this article we will remind you of those famous couples that are forgotten today.
We all love summer. This is a wonderful and vibrant season. But there are some nuances that parents of young children should pay attention to. Here are some tips for mothers in the summer ...