Mature Fatherhood. Star Men Who Became Fathers After 50

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George Clooney opens our list. This inveterate bachelor 4 years ago married a lawyer Amal Alamuddin. And two years ago she gave him the happiness of being a father — twins were born to the couple. George is extremely happy and does not regret that only now he managed to get the joy of fatherhood. He became dad at age 56.

Unexpected Dolphin Facts

Dolphins are quite intelligent animals of the underwater world that children and adults all over the planet love. Legends about the kindness of dolphins reach fantastic examples, but is everything so smooth in the idealized behavior of these animals?

10 Breeds of Dogs Ideal for an Apartment

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Celebrities in Childhood and Now: 20 Photos

They are rich, famous and successful. Their photos shine on the covers of fashion magazines, their faces are immediately recognized on TV screens, their personalities are always surrounded by journalists and paparazzi. But all these people were once the most ordinary children ... So what were Lady Gaga, Madonna and Brad Pitt in childhood and youth? You will see everything in this collection!

A Huge Stone Ball in the Middle of the Forest

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The Richest Animals in the World

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Timely Captured Frames: 16 Photos

A selection of impressive shots taken on time by professional photographers and ordinary people. Do you want to learn how to make truly live shots? Then you will definitely like these photos!