The Most Beautiful Wives of Football Players: 20 Photos

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Young footballers are rather enviable grooms. Successful, athletic guys with a considerable fortune and numerical victories attract the attention of many girls around the world. Have you ever wondered what those who managed to win their attention look like? In this collection you will see the most beautiful wives of the popular football players of our time, girls who share the triumphs of victories, multimillion-dollar fees, the bitterness of defeats, and the pain of injuries with their football champions!

The Most Ridiculous Reasons for Children’s Tears

Children can cry for completely different reasons. But sometimes some of them reach the literal ... absurdity! Greg Pembroke, the father of a little boy, once created a website, which is called - "Why is my son crying." Since then, parents from all over the world have sent him pictures for publication in the likeness of those that we will show you now ...

Chelsea Hotel — New York Bohemian Habitat

The New York Chelsea Hotel was built in 1844 and since then has become a magnet for famous writers, musicians, actors, artists, etc. This place has always been not simple, as if a special atmosphere reigned in it, which attracted the whole New York bohemia. What does this place look like now and what was so special about the legendary Chelsea Hotel? More on this later ...

Color Photos of London During the Second World War

The attacks of the German Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II brought a lot of fatal destruction and claimed more than one hundred lives. Many cities suffered from German “attacks”, but sometimes it seems that London has suffered the most: more than a million buildings were completely destroyed, more than 20,000 civilians were killed, but the Wehrmacht did not achieve its main goal, because the British’s strong spirit was not to break just ...

50-year-old Stellar Beauties Who Easily Overshadow 30-year-olds

Probably, almost all celebrities are trying to make every effort to make their appearance admired and set an example, even if they are not already 30 years old. However, sometimes it happens that even 50-year-old women look much more pleasant and well-groomed than their young followers. Why did it happen? One can only guess, but we hope that the examples of women from today's selection will help you draw the right conclusions ...

10 Cars From Tarantino Films

Quentin Tarantino has always been selective in terms of choosing actors for the best roles in his films. The same can be said about the choice of cars. In anticipation of the release of a new film from Quentin, we offer you a selection of the best cars involved in his films ...

How Different Animals See the World

Everyone probably has long known that animals see this world differently from humans. Some may even know what exactly is changing in the visual perception of a snake, cow or turtle. But sometimes knowing in words is sometimes not enough, so we offer you to see everything with your own eyes!

“And it Was Fashionable ?!” Strange Trends That Were Previously at the Height of Fashion …

Today, modern fashion shows reflect the most daring ideas of world designers and fashion designers. There was a time and we often lamented at the sight of huge men's suits and jackets on thin girls, but anyway, this trend entered without demand and still continues to be at the peak of popularity. Thus, what immediately seems wild and unimaginable, over time, was densely rubbed into fashion and became the “hit” of the season, year, and maybe even century! In this collection, we will consider the most unusual at first glance trends that fashionistas from the past millennium were like ...