Funny Shots Directly From the Football Field: 30 Photos

Photo 11 of 30

Wow! 5 penalties? Is that all to me?

20 Little-known Facts About World War II

World War II began on September 1, 1939 with the Nazi German attack on Poland. Subsequently, 61 states took part in this war (this is 80% of the entire globe). The great war claimed the lives of more than 70 million people and became one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of mankind. We prepared the 20 most interesting and little-known facts about the World War II for today's selection.

20 Photos From the Days of Prohibition

In the United States, Prohibition began to operate in 1920 and continued right up to 1933. For 13 years, people have tried in every possible way to circumvent the ban on the sale, production and transportation of alcohol, staged demonstrations, protests, and massively engaged in smuggling. In our time, it is still difficult to imagine the effect of this law in full force. However, what the consequences may be and how people lived during the prohibitions on alcohol can be seen in the next photo selection.

10 SUVs With Which it is Better Not to Measure Anything

Most people are accustomed to the fact that an SUV is primarily a car that can overcome any obstacles that may be encountered on the way: whether it be dirt, stones, holes or dense foliage. However, the news of SUVs declare themselves quite boldly: it is better not to compete with them!

Quarantine: Isolation or Moment of Reboot and Rest

Quarantine ... Pandemic ... Coronavirus ... These words we now hear from everywhere. But it depends only on us how we perceive and project them onto our lives. You can panic and drive yourself into a corner, or you can choose the opposite option and regard it simply as a new period of your life, time to search for truth, new opportunities and affirmation of life values. And so, for those who, like us, choose the second option, we provide a selection of how to use time effectively and profitably, which, as it seems to us, lasts so long in conditions of social isolation.

7 Most Dangerous Jellyfish in the Underwater World

Jellyfish is a unique underwater creature that is 95% water and only 5% solids. We are accustomed to being surprised at the beauty and heterogeneity of the jellyfish's body, but we often forget that behind the eccentric external appearance there is a huge danger in the form of the strongest poisons that can kill a person in a matter of seconds. In today's selection, we will sanctify 7 of the most dangerous, but rather cute jellyfish, which should not be approached even for the sake of a beautiful photo ...

The Most Beautiful Wives of Football Players: 20 Photos

Young footballers are rather enviable grooms. Successful, athletic guys with a considerable fortune and numerical victories attract the attention of many girls around the world. Have you ever wondered what those who managed to win their attention look like? In this collection you will see the most beautiful wives of the popular football players of our time, girls who share the triumphs of victories, multimillion-dollar fees, the bitterness of defeats, and the pain of injuries with their football champions!