What are these products made of? You will not believe!

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At first glance, all these products are quite edible and appetizing and look so realistic that immediately there is a desire to sweep them off the plates without a trace. In fact, all this food is the work of the talented Japanese sculptor Seiji Kawasaki, who makes identical-looking food products from … wood!

10 Most Dangerous Snakes in the World

Probably, every person who possesses even the most standard fearlessness experiences a kind of excitement at the sight of their ... snakes. Of course, these animals are very beautiful, intelligent and in complete safety will not attack a person, but for some reason this does not soften the fear in the eyes of an ordinary person at the sight of a huge python. Some of the snakes can cause death with one bite, while others are less poisonous. However, this does not negate the fact that a quarter of these reptiles are, in one way or another, dangerous to humans. We show the most "terrible" of possible snakes in this list ...

The Most Famous Dictators of the 21st Century

Dictatorship is one of the forms of government by the state, the meaning of which is believed in unlimited power. Unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), in the modern world you can still meet real dictators at the helm. We present to you 10 of the most famous dictators.

Stars on the Couch: Celebrity Self-Isolation Pictures

Global quarantine has been going on for more than a month and for many people self-isolation is gradually becoming a real torture. Not only ordinary people, but also stars are forced to hide at home, because it is their behavior that other imitate. So they are simply forced to set the right example. How do celebrities in quarantine spend their weekdays? This is exactly what today's selection will tell ...

Charming Triplets From London

There are not so many triplets as three drops of water in this world, and they certainly attract much more attention. Especially when it comes to pretty girls, identical twins and completely identical sisters. You are not familiar with them yet? Then it's time to fix it!

The Actual Sizes of Some Things: 20 Examples With a Comparison!

The truth is, everything in this world is known in comparison! Human vision is an amazing thing, but alas, it is not always possible to trust it. Sometimes, in order to understand the real size of certain things, sometimes familiar to us, things, they just need to be placed next to those whose real sizes we know for sure. You will be surprised how big or small some objects, phenomena or creatures actually are, the real size of which we could not have guessed.

How Different Animals See the World

Everyone probably has long known that animals see this world differently from humans. Some may even know what exactly is changing in the visual perception of a snake, cow or turtle. But sometimes knowing in words is sometimes not enough, so we offer you to see everything with your own eyes!

10 Most Intelligent Animals

It is generally accepted that man is the most developed mentally. However, do not underestimate the intelligence of some animals. This selection can show that animals could well become an obedient person for mental development ...

20 Shocking Facts About China That Will Surprise You!

China is undoubtedly a great and very developed country. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that the Chinese could not do. This is a strong nation with a huge population and continuous growth of infrastructure used to surprise. Sometimes it seems to us that we already know a lot about this country and that it will be difficult to hit us with something new, but no such luck! Then you will find 20 of the most unexpected and stunning facts about China, which you are likely to hear for the first time ...

9 Reasons Why You Can Not Leave the Child Alone in the Car

Probably, every parent who has his own car, faced with a situation when he had to think, "How long can I leave the child alone in the car?". The answer to this question is categorical and unequivocal: if you need to leave for even a few minutes, in no case leave the child alone in a closed car! You can put his life and health in serious danger, and the consequences can be irreversible! The 9 main reasons that will clarify this ban will be described in today's selection ...

The Most Beautiful Wives of Football Players: 20 Photos

Young footballers are rather enviable grooms. Successful, athletic guys with a considerable fortune and numerical victories attract the attention of many girls around the world. Have you ever wondered what those who managed to win their attention look like? In this collection you will see the most beautiful wives of the popular football players of our time, girls who share the triumphs of victories, multimillion-dollar fees, the bitterness of defeats, and the pain of injuries with their football champions!