Empty Ghost Towns in China

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In the early 2000s, the Chinese government threw all its efforts into the construction and development of large cities. For this reason, today we see many skyscrapers, large business centers and residential buildings built according to the latest technological inventions. This process does not stop to this day, and therefore if you ride around China today, you can stumble upon real ghost towns. Large, equipped with everything necessary for life, but did not know it ….

20 Little-known Facts About World War II

World War II began on September 1, 1939 with the Nazi German attack on Poland. Subsequently, 61 states took part in this war (this is 80% of the entire globe). The great war claimed the lives of more than 70 million people and became one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of mankind. We prepared the 20 most interesting and little-known facts about the World War II for today's selection.

10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs

For many people, hedgehogs are associated with cute prickly animals that drag apples and mushrooms on their backs into a hole. In fact, the hedgehog is a predator that eats everything that it can find. And this is far from always mushrooms and berries ...

The Chubby American Has Proven That You Don’t Need to be Thin to Look Like a Star!

An American named Katie Sturino is convinced that the size of her clothes does not determine the breadth of stylish images of a woman. Katie got a large number of fans, because the idea that she advocates found a response in the hearts of many ladies with not perfect figures. A woman can be attractive and happy always. Today, with Katie as an example, we want to prove it!

35 Photos That Speak Louder Than Any Words!

A selection of positive photos, each of which will tell you its unique story. The most unusual photos collected from around the globe: about people, their lives, fates, addictions, moments, impressions and memories! Sit back and tune in to a wave of positive and vibrant emotions ...

The most delicious borscht recipe

Borsch is by far the most authentic Ukrainian food. Red borsch with vegetables on beef broth, and with lard - it is not only tasty, but also healthy! Each Ukrainian mistress has her own, undeniably the best, recipe for rich borsch. The recipe published here can be taken as the basis for the preparation of this first dish and further supplemented with ingredients to taste and desire.

Life in the Cemetery: 13 photos

Manila is the capital of the Philippines and the most densely populated city on the island of Luzon. This city makes the most unpleasant first impression and the more you delve into its history and atmosphere, the more terrible it becomes. One of the most frightening places in Manila is the city cemetery, in the territory of which hundreds of living people settled. It is about this place that will be discussed in this collection ...

Charming Triplets From London

There are not so many triplets as three drops of water in this world, and they certainly attract much more attention. Especially when it comes to pretty girls, identical twins and completely identical sisters. You are not familiar with them yet? Then it's time to fix it!

Funny Laws From Around the World

Man, like all life on our planet, obeys the laws of nature. We may not know something about them, but they work. But ignorance of the laws written by man, as we recall, will not help to avoid punishment. Each country has its own laws and regulations, so before planning your trip to a new country, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the legislative regulation of life on its territory. And to convince you of this, we suggest you look our selection of non-standard and funny laws from around the world ....

Exotic Pets Held by the Chinese at Home

Snakes, crocodiles, spiders, toads - this is not the whole list of domestic animals brought up by the inhabitants of China. We share with you the stories and photos of the owners of the most exotic species of animals ...