Empty Ghost Towns in China

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In the early 2000s, the Chinese government threw all its efforts into the construction and development of large cities. For this reason, today we see many skyscrapers, large business centers and residential buildings built according to the latest technological inventions. This process does not stop to this day, and therefore if you ride around China today, you can stumble upon real ghost towns. Large, equipped with everything necessary for life, but did not know it ….

Feline Body Language: How Your Cat Speaks to You

Each owner of a cat knows that the pet’s mental state and disposition towards something can be easily counted by its pose, habits and facial expressions. To be ready for the various moods of your pet, we advise you to study the main options for feline poses.

Age is Not a Hindrance: 10 Examples of Stylish Old Women

We live in an amazing time when not only young girls of 20-30 years old can be fashionable, but also elderly ladies, whom even the language does not dare to call "grandmothers". At the age of 60, they bloom with renewed vigor and, despite the graying curls, are not going to close at home and crochet, but quite the opposite - they live in a way that sometimes even young youth themselves do not live.

11 Disaster Films Based on Real Events

Often, exciting stories from catastrophe films turn out to be real events based on the fates of real people and the stories of real incidents. Such films will be discussed in this collection, which contains the best pictures based on completely existing disasters of anthropogenic or natural character.

Plastic Surgery Victims — Men

It is generally accepted that plastic surgery is a disease of women, because their desire to achieve the ideal of their beauty sometimes knows no boundaries. But, the modern world expands the scope of stereotypes and today it is not uncommon to meet a man with implants in his cheekbones, a corrected nose and deflated lips. True, some representatives of the stronger sex also sometimes "go too far" in their pursuit of beauty, and this is what we see later ...

The Most Interesting Facts About Traffic Jams

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An Elderly Grandmother Sold Her House. No One Expected to See What Was Inside!

In the real estate market, it often happens that the photos of the published object do not coincide with reality. This is done in order to simply attract the attention of the client. But in the case of this house, everything was exactly the opposite. A 96-year-old grandmother sold her home in Toronto. What the realtors saw when they went inside an unremarkable house caused them genuine surprise ...

The Beauty Around us! Cute Girls From the City Streets

Young people looking for a couple, pay attention to these photos! All these beauties can be easily met by simply strolling through the city park, visiting the pool, beach, local golf club, ice cream parlor or even during a boat trip. There are a lot of options, like pretty girls! And this selection is a great example ...

Top Slimming Stimulant Products

To lose weight, a sufficient number of all kinds of diets have already been invented. Most of them require tremendous willpower and, oddly enough, a considerable amount of money. But progress does not stand still and today scientists have compiled a list of products that will help get rid of extra pounds in the "background", simply by eating fat-burning foods.