The most unpredictable interconnected things

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Roller coaster and brothel

Did you know that the purpose of creating a roller coaster was not to entertain the people at all? In the 19th century, the inventor LaMarcus Thompson made a lot of efforts to create the famous Coney Island amusement park in order to distract people from the then popular occupation — visiting brothels and saloons. Instead of this pious occupation, people happily began to visit the amusement park and afterwards, happy and tired, went home.

The Most Popular Cats on the Internet

You probably met photos of these cats and kitties in different social networks. Their appearance and entrepreneurial owners made them real stars. Here you will see the top 14 most popular cats on the Internet. Go!

Named «Most Unfortunate» Age in a Person’s Life

In the life of every person, sooner or later, there comes a period when it seems that everything is going wrong: there is no money, you are tired of work, there are problems in your personal life, and in general there is no mood for anything - in general, a complete breakdown of strength and energy! And no, this is not a description of the autumn depression, as many might think. Such a period can occur for every person. You can call it an age crisis or "unhappy age", but it is probably worth knowing when it is approximately worth preparing for changes in mood ...

Chelsea Hotel — New York Bohemian Habitat

The New York Chelsea Hotel was built in 1844 and since then has become a magnet for famous writers, musicians, actors, artists, etc. This place has always been not simple, as if a special atmosphere reigned in it, which attracted the whole New York bohemia. What does this place look like now and what was so special about the legendary Chelsea Hotel? More on this later ...

What a 50-Year-Old Fan of Plastic Surgery Looks Like

Which of the women does not dream to look great at any age? Have a chic shape, smooth skin without wrinkles and long legs? Surely any! The heroine of today's article went beyond her desires and brought them to life through plastic surgery. See what came of it ...

History of the Names of Famous Car Brands

Have you ever wondered why the brand of your car is called exactly what it is called? Of course, many automakers adopted the name of their founders, but there are also those whose history has a more complicated history ...

Fancy Dog Breeds

Among the many well-known dog breeds are those that strike with their exotic appearance. In this collection we will consider the most unusual and rare dog breeds in the whole world!

TOP 10 Attack Helicopters of the World And the Present

For half a century, attack helicopters have made a significant contribution to the total strength of the military forces of various countries. Impact helicopters are capable of hitting ground, sea and even air targets. Such helicopters carry a deadly threat to any tank or other armored unit of military equipment. Most countries have long equipped their military forces with similar “machines” and some of them even entered the ranking of world leaders ...

Fancy 90s Dashboards

A selection of good old dashboards from cars of the 90s that will dispel your confidence that "everything was better before." You will not find such chips and functions in any modern car ...

Beautiful and Sexy Red-Haired Beast: 25 Photos

What could be cooler and more seductive than fiery-haired beauties? Sometimes it seems that girls with this hair color have some extraordinary magic of seduction and, with due desire, are able to attract the attention of any man! Without unnecessary modesty, there is something magnetic in them ... Even those who in life would prefer blondes or brunettes are unable to resist the temptation of red curls, and these 25 photos are collected here to prove it!

The Actual Sizes of Some Things: 20 Examples With a Comparison!

The truth is, everything in this world is known in comparison! Human vision is an amazing thing, but alas, it is not always possible to trust it. Sometimes, in order to understand the real size of certain things, sometimes familiar to us, things, they just need to be placed next to those whose real sizes we know for sure. You will be surprised how big or small some objects, phenomena or creatures actually are, the real size of which we could not have guessed.