The Retro Beauty Who Conquered the World BEFORE Marilyn Monroe is Already 84 Years Old!

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We all know the amazing model and the retro beauty queen Marilyn Monroe, but few people know that before her this world has already been conquered by an equally attractive and sexy model named Betty Brosmer. At one time, this woman did not leave indifferent any male look and was one of the highest paid models. Let’s look into the past and see how Betty was so different from the rest of the models …

The most unpredictable interconnected things

Each item is endowed with its own unique history of appearance. Some of the inventions are quite explainable and logical, but how can you connect, for example, dogs and velcro closures for shoes? In today's selection, we will talk about the most unusual interconnections of some things that are already familiar to us.

12 Star Divas With the Most Beautiful Legs

The slender legs of these ladies attract men's glances and make the girls turned green with envy. The sexiest and longest legs - which of the stars can boast of this? In today's selection, we have compiled a list of popular girls who have not only endless talent and creativity, but also incredibly beautiful and slender legs!

Titanic Then And Now: 30 Photos

The tragedy of 1912, when the Titanic sank, left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions of people. Today, the archive contains photographs from the bottom of the ocean in which the liner sank. This selection will clearly show the very unique shots of the sunken ship in comparison with the pictures that were taken in the year of the tragedy.

17 Frozen Reservoirs That Look Like Fine Art

Every year, when the temperature drops below zero, most rivers, ponds, lakes and even some oceans are covered with a thick layer of impenetrable ice, forming on their surface either snow patterns or masterpieces of fine art. Such beauty cannot be described in words, so we have prepared for you this selection of 17 photos so that you can fully enjoy these icy views and anticipate the coming frosts ...

Top 10 Famous Fat Footballers

Being overweight often becomes a serious problem and a health hazard. However, sometimes due to a genetic predisposition or old injuries, athletes have no choice but each of them is free to decide what to do with it. Someone successfully steps over this problem and achieves success, while someone who is overweight puts an end to all sports achievements. In this collection, we will consider the most striking examples of overweight football players who could or could not succeed in their careers ....

Top Coolest Dance Clubs in the World

Night clubs are places with a special energy that you should plunge into at least once in your life. We present a list of the most chic dance clubs from around the world, which everyone would surely like to visit.

The Most Beautiful Wives of Football Players: 20 Photos

Young footballers are rather enviable grooms. Successful, athletic guys with a considerable fortune and numerical victories attract the attention of many girls around the world. Have you ever wondered what those who managed to win their attention look like? In this collection you will see the most beautiful wives of the popular football players of our time, girls who share the triumphs of victories, multimillion-dollar fees, the bitterness of defeats, and the pain of injuries with their football champions!

Accident at a Speed of 20 km/h of the 1930s

What do you think was the situation on the roads and accident statistics in the 1930s? How was car safety ensured? And how many people died in car accidents in those days and now? Little by little about everything in this photo compilation from places of accidents that occurred about 100 years ago!