6 Forbidden Types of the Most DANGEROUS Weapons

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Throughout history, mankind has never stopped trying to create various types of weapons for various purposes. At the same time, while mankind created them, certain prohibitions on its use came out. For example, the popes banned the crossbow, and Homer spoke disapprovingly of the bow. In the 21st century, the scale of invented weapons reached a completely different level of danger, which can be called deadly. Which of the existing military guns managed to be banned and why are these inventions so dangerous?

20 Shocking Facts About China That Will Surprise You!

China is undoubtedly a great and very developed country. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that the Chinese could not do. This is a strong nation with a huge population and continuous growth of infrastructure used to surprise. Sometimes it seems to us that we already know a lot about this country and that it will be difficult to hit us with something new, but no such luck! Then you will find 20 of the most unexpected and stunning facts about China, which you are likely to hear for the first time ...

20 Photos on How Power Changes People

The people who are at the helm of government often have a huge responsibility, which alternates with stress tests and critical thinking. Such high-ranking posts are likely to reflect not only on the character and mental order of the heads of state, but also on their appearance. In this collection, we decided to trace how the appearance of the main people of the country changed through the years of their reign ...

History of the Names of Famous Car Brands

Have you ever wondered why the brand of your car is called exactly what it is called? Of course, many automakers adopted the name of their founders, but there are also those whose history has a more complicated history ...

Cars With Beautiful Female Names

Giving women names for cars is a romantic tendency of many automakers. Such names sound melodic and cannot be pronounced without much trepidation. In this collection, we look at a dozen of the most popular cars that bore (or still carry) female names ...

10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs

For many people, hedgehogs are associated with cute prickly animals that drag apples and mushrooms on their backs into a hole. In fact, the hedgehog is a predator that eats everything that it can find. And this is far from always mushrooms and berries ...

10 Girls Who Turned Their Flaws Into Virtues

Beauty, as you know, is a very relative concept. And while someone is struggling with naughty hair and problematic skin, others are forced to put up with very unusual flaws, turning them into their own characteristics. It is about these girls that will be discussed in this collection ...

12 Kinds of Secret Weapons of China

The scale of China in terms of population and the area of ​​their territory has not surprised anyone for a long time. The Chinese are a very developed and hardworking people. No wonder they say: "If you do something well, then there will always be one Chinese who will do it even better." This also applies to military equipment and weapons, the development of which Chinese engineers keep secret, but not to say so in a very strict manner. That is why today we offer you to get acquainted with 12 types of secret and most powerful weapons and equipment invented by the Chinese.

How a Cat Named Zuu Became a New Star

It's no secret that cats are the cutest animals. However, at times there are such instances as the cat Zuu, who became a real Instagram star and an example of an absolute cuteness.

What Happens if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are fourth in the list of the most valuable food crops and are grown in more than 105 countries. Despite the short shelf life, bananas are great as a healthy food. Largely due to the sweet taste and the rich amount of vitamins contained in it. But is everything as rosy as it might seem at first glance? Find out what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day!

The Most Beautiful Men of World Cinema: 15 Photos

Male beauty has always been a very, very relative concept. Rather, here we are talking about charisma, fortitude and identifiable images that a man can carry in his appearance. Movie actors are men who have always been spoiled by female attention, their faces are well known and loved, which means many of them deserve to appear on this list. However, in today's selection we will highlight the identities of actors who, in our humble opinion, occupy leading positions in the ranking of the most handsome men in world cinema.