Feng Shui Plants. 10 Plants That Take Bad Energy From Your Home

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3. Mint. It’s no secret that mint not only smells delicious, but is also incredibly healthy! It is full of healing properties, one of which is that mint has a positive effect on the nervous system, having a calming effect. If you have insomnia — drink tea with mint, immediately it will be better. Mint is called a plant of well-being, especially since it is very easy to care for it at home.

The Most Bizarre Fruits and Vegetables Found in the Vegetable Garden

Did you know that nature also has a sense of humor? Yes, so sharp and unique that sometimes you are amazed by her jokes and antics. Take at least even her gifts, namely fruits and vegetables, which will be discussed today - after watching this selection, you will have no doubt that the fantasy of nature is limitless and wonderful and worth your surprise!

What a 50-Year-Old Fan of Plastic Surgery Looks Like

Which of the women does not dream to look great at any age? Have a chic shape, smooth skin without wrinkles and long legs? Surely any! The heroine of today's article went beyond her desires and brought them to life through plastic surgery. See what came of it ...

15 Photos of Animals Strikingly Similar to the Stars

The world of people and animals has been closely connected by invisible threads for many centuries. Among amusing animals it is surprisingly often possible to meet familiar facial features of some world celebrities. Perhaps this is due to the popularity of celebrity, because it is their faces that we see every day on TV screens and pages of glossy magazines. But, from here it is easy to conclude that if you look closely, everyone can find a double in the animal world!

Fancy 90s Dashboards

A selection of good old dashboards from cars of the 90s that will dispel your confidence that "everything was better before." You will not find such chips and functions in any modern car ...

The Most Fashionable And Beautiful Swimwear 2020

Real fashionistas, long before the onset of heat, prepare for the high season and select trendy images that will correspond to the latest news. Swimwear designers have already demonstrated to girls a wide variety of models and forms of swimsuits for 2020, which you can see in this collection.

The Evolution of Underwear: From the 1900s to Today

Since the 1900s, such an intimate part of the women's wardrobe as underwear has undergone quite a few revolutionary changes. How did it happen that tight corsets evolved into thin bikini barely covering a naked body? Today we will try to recall the past decades and understand how women's underwear has changed over the years.

Interesting Facts About Ants

We are used to consider ants an icon of hard work and strength. These small insects were able to create their own hierarchy and build entire cities underground. This collection will tell you about interesting facts that you might not have known about ants ...

Funny Shots Directly From the Football Field: 30 Photos

Football is perhaps the most popular game in the whole world. Millions of men are ready to spend a lot of time watching matches of their favorite teams, and what can we say about days, weeks, and sometimes months of waiting for decisive games and world championships! Of course, football could not do without curious cases. Photographers are always ready to please the fans with interesting shots right from the scene, thanks to which any, even the most intense and responsible match, begins to seem like a fun childish naughtiness of adult uncles. A few shots from this category we will share today with you ...

TOP 10 Attack Helicopters of the World And the Present

For half a century, attack helicopters have made a significant contribution to the total strength of the military forces of various countries. Impact helicopters are capable of hitting ground, sea and even air targets. Such helicopters carry a deadly threat to any tank or other armored unit of military equipment. Most countries have long equipped their military forces with similar “machines” and some of them even entered the ranking of world leaders ...