Feng Shui Plants. 10 Plants That Take Bad Energy From Your Home

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2. Bamboo. There is a belief that this plant cleanses a person, as it has powerful positive energy and healing properties. Bamboo leaves are very useful for SARS and can help with coughing and fever. And bamboo is a very stylish plant, and is increasingly appearing in people’s homes.

Cars That Were Made in a Single Copy

We present to your attention 15 cars that were produced in a single copy. And no, these are not museum exhibits, but cars that are quite realistic to meet on the streets of the city ...

The Most Popular Amphibious Cars

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Fancy Dog Breeds

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Is Sugar as Bad as We Think?

In this collection we will try to answer a very controversial and ubiquitous scandalous question: is sugar really harmful, as people think about it? Is it true that sugar consumption can cause diseases such as diabetes and cancer? Does sugar contribute to weight gain and obesity? We will try to answer these and many other questions about the sweet product right now ...

What Does Your Car Say About?

Probably with every motorist once in a life there was a situation when the car crashed. Of course, the best solution is an immediate visit to the workshop. But sometimes you just need to listen to what your car says and it is likely that this will help to solve a problem that has suddenly arisen ...

Titanic Then And Now: 30 Photos

The tragedy of 1912, when the Titanic sank, left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions of people. Today, the archive contains photographs from the bottom of the ocean in which the liner sank. This selection will clearly show the very unique shots of the sunken ship in comparison with the pictures that were taken in the year of the tragedy.

Dogs That are Very Offended

Dogs are very emotional animals, and can be offended (or pretend) on a level with a person. Just look at these offended dogs, what a range of emotions they can give out!

The Most Ridiculous Reasons for Children’s Tears

Children can cry for completely different reasons. But sometimes some of them reach the literal ... absurdity! Greg Pembroke, the father of a little boy, once created a website, which is called - "Why is my son crying." Since then, parents from all over the world have sent him pictures for publication in the likeness of those that we will show you now ...

When Fathers Stay With Their Children

Children, of course, always try to take an example from their parents and imitate them in every way. That is why the connection between the two generations is so clearly seen in these pictures ...