Useful Car Accessories You Might not Know About

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Chinese engineers have come up with many useful, but sometimes very strange-looking, accessories for the convenience of using the car and increasing the comfort of the driver behind the steering wheel. This collection will acquaint you with the most unusual of them!

10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs

For many people, hedgehogs are associated with cute prickly animals that drag apples and mushrooms on their backs into a hole. In fact, the hedgehog is a predator that eats everything that it can find. And this is far from always mushrooms and berries ...

Al Capone`s Prison

The world's first correctional prison in Philadelphia, with the full name of Eastern State Penitentiary, first received a prisoner in 1829. For more than 100 years of work, a lot of villains and criminals were there, one of which was the well-known mafia boss Al Capone. How was this place different from other prisons and what does it look like now? More on this later ...

Age is Not a Hindrance: 10 Examples of Stylish Old Women

We live in an amazing time when not only young girls of 20-30 years old can be fashionable, but also elderly ladies, whom even the language does not dare to call "grandmothers". At the age of 60, they bloom with renewed vigor and, despite the graying curls, are not going to close at home and crochet, but quite the opposite - they live in a way that sometimes even young youth themselves do not live.

18 Photoshopped Pictures With President of America Donald Trump

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has been at the helm of the board since 2015, and during this time quite a few memes and photoshoped pictures have been added about him. Vivid gestures and numerous statements by Trump served as an excellent occasion for the development of Internet folklore with his participation. Especially netizens like to joke about Donald Trump's hairstyle and his sparkling facial expressions. A selection of 18 selected photo jokes are here!

Seductive Ladies With Glasses (35 Photos)

Each girl has her own unique zest. And if some have bottomless eyes the color of the sky, then others have such a feature as glasses as a necessity or just a favorite summer accessory. Just in glasses, they look even more sexy and attractive than without them. In this collection of photos of 35 beautiful girls when glasses are suitable for them...

12 Kinds of Secret Weapons of China

The scale of China in terms of population and the area of ​​their territory has not surprised anyone for a long time. The Chinese are a very developed and hardworking people. No wonder they say: "If you do something well, then there will always be one Chinese who will do it even better." This also applies to military equipment and weapons, the development of which Chinese engineers keep secret, but not to say so in a very strict manner. That is why today we offer you to get acquainted with 12 types of secret and most powerful weapons and equipment invented by the Chinese.

How a Cat Named Zuu Became a New Star

It's no secret that cats are the cutest animals. However, at times there are such instances as the cat Zuu, who became a real Instagram star and an example of an absolute cuteness.

25 People Who Didn’t Caught a Break

Everyone had such moments of life when it seemed as if the whole world was opposed to one person. But, despite a string of failures, you should never lower your head down and be upset, because after a black stripe you should always have a white one! These photos are about people who know firsthand what a "bad day" is and how they deal with it.

Perhaps the Most Unpleasant But Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

It seems that there is no such person in the world who would love cockroaches. These disgusting insects often bother residents of apartments and houses, and besides, their neighborhood is not so easy to get rid of. What else is cockroaches infamous for? About this in the selection of cockroaches ...

Stereotypes About Cars and Their Owners

It's no secret that a car is no longer just a vehicle for moving from point A to point B. The choice of cars has imposed certain stereotypes on its owners and it is sometimes difficult for us to imagine anyone other than a farmer driving a pickup truck. Today we will debunk the most popular myths related to cars and their owners.

Life in the Cemetery: 13 photos

Manila is the capital of the Philippines and the most densely populated city on the island of Luzon. This city makes the most unpleasant first impression and the more you delve into its history and atmosphere, the more terrible it becomes. One of the most frightening places in Manila is the city cemetery, in the territory of which hundreds of living people settled. It is about this place that will be discussed in this collection ...