Cars With Beautiful Female Names

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Giving women names for cars is a romantic tendency of many automakers. Such names sound melodic and cannot be pronounced without much trepidation. In this collection, we look at a dozen of the most popular cars that bore (or still carry) female names …

Accident at a Speed of 20 km/h of the 1930s

What do you think was the situation on the roads and accident statistics in the 1930s? How was car safety ensured? And how many people died in car accidents in those days and now? Little by little about everything in this photo compilation from places of accidents that occurred about 100 years ago!

35 Photos That Speak Louder Than Any Words!

A selection of positive photos, each of which will tell you its unique story. The most unusual photos collected from around the globe: about people, their lives, fates, addictions, moments, impressions and memories! Sit back and tune in to a wave of positive and vibrant emotions ...

Charming Triplets From London

There are not so many triplets as three drops of water in this world, and they certainly attract much more attention. Especially when it comes to pretty girls, identical twins and completely identical sisters. You are not familiar with them yet? Then it's time to fix it!

TOP Unusual Facts About Cars

Did you know why Steve Jobs always drove without numbers and why in the Porsche the ignition key is always on the left? We will reveal these and other interesting facts in this collection of unusual facts that you did not know about cars ...

Before And After: Incredible Weight Loss Transformation

Throughout the world, up to 30% of the population is overweight. Someone does not have time to go to the gym, someone is not able to restrain from sweets, and someone simply does not have enough motivation. But people from today's selection are definitely not from this number, because their transformations are an example of what if you really want to, you can achieve everything and now they themselves serve as motivation for others ...

Funny Shots Directly From the Football Field: 30 Photos

Football is perhaps the most popular game in the whole world. Millions of men are ready to spend a lot of time watching matches of their favorite teams, and what can we say about days, weeks, and sometimes months of waiting for decisive games and world championships! Of course, football could not do without curious cases. Photographers are always ready to please the fans with interesting shots right from the scene, thanks to which any, even the most intense and responsible match, begins to seem like a fun childish naughtiness of adult uncles. A few shots from this category we will share today with you ...

Feline Body Language: How Your Cat Speaks to You

Each owner of a cat knows that the pet’s mental state and disposition towards something can be easily counted by its pose, habits and facial expressions. To be ready for the various moods of your pet, we advise you to study the main options for feline poses.

Everywhere Cheating: Instagram / Reality Collages From a Girl From Thailand

Pictures on Instagram are full of faces of successful young business women and cute guys in Calvin Klein. Users of the popular network are often willing to spend the whole day searching for the original location or give the last $ 100 to highlight an expensive accessory in the photo. All this is necessary in order to appear happy, successful and independent. It seems, but not ... The girl from Thailand decided once and for all to show what is behind the curtain of beautiful photos and created a series of Instagram / Reality collages.

Exotic Pets Held by the Chinese at Home

Snakes, crocodiles, spiders, toads - this is not the whole list of domestic animals brought up by the inhabitants of China. We share with you the stories and photos of the owners of the most exotic species of animals ...

Quarantine: Isolation or Moment of Reboot and Rest

Quarantine ... Pandemic ... Coronavirus ... These words we now hear from everywhere. But it depends only on us how we perceive and project them onto our lives. You can panic and drive yourself into a corner, or you can choose the opposite option and regard it simply as a new period of your life, time to search for truth, new opportunities and affirmation of life values. And so, for those who, like us, choose the second option, we provide a selection of how to use time effectively and profitably, which, as it seems to us, lasts so long in conditions of social isolation.