Memories of the Past: Tricycles Reliant Regal

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Copies of this iconic car are still on sale at auction sites. People are willing to pay a lot of money for them!

“And it Was Fashionable ?!” Strange Trends That Were Previously at the Height of Fashion …

Today, modern fashion shows reflect the most daring ideas of world designers and fashion designers. There was a time and we often lamented at the sight of huge men's suits and jackets on thin girls, but anyway, this trend entered without demand and still continues to be at the peak of popularity. Thus, what immediately seems wild and unimaginable, over time, was densely rubbed into fashion and became the “hit” of the season, year, and maybe even century! In this collection, we will consider the most unusual at first glance trends that fashionistas from the past millennium were like ...

10 Breeds of Dogs Ideal for an Apartment

Surely a dog is a friend of man. However, not everyone can afford to get such a friend because live in an apartment. But this does not matter! We have compiled for you a rating of dogs that are most suitable for keeping in an apartment.

How Women Live in Saudi Arabia: Bans and Prejudices

Being a woman in Saudi Arabia is not as easy as it may seem to uninformed people. The thing is that inside their country they have more prohibitions than permits, which greatly affects their life in general and their existence in society. The most interesting thing in this situation is that at the legislative level, no prohibitions have been spelled out and to this day exist as a kind of tribute to traditions. But this, of course, does not free the woman from moral repressions and even physical punishment for the slightest misconduct, up to and including loss of life. The one that can and cannot be women in Saudi Arabia will be discussed in this collection.

The Most Interesting Facts About Traffic Jams

Residents of megacities and big cities know firsthand what traffic jams are, especially at rush hour. This collection will tell you about the most fun and unusual facts regarding traffic jams that affect major cities in the world ...

The Richest Animals in the World

The richest people in the world sometimes find themselves so attached to their pets that they are not ready to abandon their future lives even after their own death, leaving them an inheritance in the form of gold and mansions. Actually, in this way the list of the richest animals in the world was formed ...