Plastic Surgery Victims — Men

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It is generally accepted that plastic surgery is a disease of women, because their desire to achieve the ideal of their beauty sometimes knows no boundaries. But, the modern world expands the scope of stereotypes and today it is not uncommon to meet a man with implants in his cheekbones, a corrected nose and deflated lips. True, some representatives of the stronger sex also sometimes «go too far» in their pursuit of beauty, and this is what we see later …

11 Cancer Causing Foods

We have long known that in order to prevent such a fatal ailment as cancer, you must adhere to a healthy diet and exclude foods with a high carcinogen content from your diet. But it turned out that this is not so easy to do, even if you have already refused delicious pastries and sweet cakes. Next, we present 11 dangerous products, the use of which must either be minimized or properly prepared before use.

Perhaps the Most Unpleasant But Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

It seems that there is no such person in the world who would love cockroaches. These disgusting insects often bother residents of apartments and houses, and besides, their neighborhood is not so easy to get rid of. What else is cockroaches infamous for? About this in the selection of cockroaches ...

Living Barbie Doll From Russia

Angelica Kenova is a girl from Russia, whose appearance is very similar to the appearance of Barbie dolls. Long blonde hair, a thin waist and big eyes - all these advantages are harmoniously interwoven into a single puppet image, but is the girl happy to be the owner of such an appearance?

The most unpredictable interconnected things

Each item is endowed with its own unique history of appearance. Some of the inventions are quite explainable and logical, but how can you connect, for example, dogs and velcro closures for shoes? In today's selection, we will talk about the most unusual interconnections of some things that are already familiar to us.

Sleeping Beauty: a Girl With an Unusual Syndrome Sleeps for 2 Weeks in a row!

A girl from Southern California, who suffers from a rare disorder, felt on herself what it means to be a princess from a fairy tale about a sleeping beauty with one difference: no matter how beautiful the prince, he will not be able to "spell" a girl ... How an American lives with a rare disease and what does it have to face in the course of life? This will be discussed further ...

What Happens if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are fourth in the list of the most valuable food crops and are grown in more than 105 countries. Despite the short shelf life, bananas are great as a healthy food. Largely due to the sweet taste and the rich amount of vitamins contained in it. But is everything as rosy as it might seem at first glance? Find out what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day!

The Most Beautiful Wives of Football Players: 20 Photos

Young footballers are rather enviable grooms. Successful, athletic guys with a considerable fortune and numerical victories attract the attention of many girls around the world. Have you ever wondered what those who managed to win their attention look like? In this collection you will see the most beautiful wives of the popular football players of our time, girls who share the triumphs of victories, multimillion-dollar fees, the bitterness of defeats, and the pain of injuries with their football champions!

20 Shocking Facts About China That Will Surprise You!

China is undoubtedly a great and very developed country. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that the Chinese could not do. This is a strong nation with a huge population and continuous growth of infrastructure used to surprise. Sometimes it seems to us that we already know a lot about this country and that it will be difficult to hit us with something new, but no such luck! Then you will find 20 of the most unexpected and stunning facts about China, which you are likely to hear for the first time ...