Named «Most Unfortunate» Age in a Person’s Life

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Scientists at Dartmouth College and the National Bureau of Economic Research have found out when in a person’s life comes «the most unfortunate age.» And this … drum roll … 47-48 years old. During this period, the level of stress goes off scale, and there is also a lack of finance, hair begins to turn gray quickly.

Quarantine: Isolation or Moment of Reboot and Rest

Quarantine ... Pandemic ... Coronavirus ... These words we now hear from everywhere. But it depends only on us how we perceive and project them onto our lives. You can panic and drive yourself into a corner, or you can choose the opposite option and regard it simply as a new period of your life, time to search for truth, new opportunities and affirmation of life values. And so, for those who, like us, choose the second option, we provide a selection of how to use time effectively and profitably, which, as it seems to us, lasts so long in conditions of social isolation.

Everywhere Cheating: Instagram / Reality Collages From a Girl From Thailand

Pictures on Instagram are full of faces of successful young business women and cute guys in Calvin Klein. Users of the popular network are often willing to spend the whole day searching for the original location or give the last $ 100 to highlight an expensive accessory in the photo. All this is necessary in order to appear happy, successful and independent. It seems, but not ... The girl from Thailand decided once and for all to show what is behind the curtain of beautiful photos and created a series of Instagram / Reality collages.

10 Erroneous Facts About Animals

Some knowledge about animals was passed on to us by word of mouth, some we learned at the school desk, and some we learned from the media. But is all our knowledge true? We picked up 10 erroneous facts about animals that you might not have guessed about ..

“And it Was Fashionable ?!” Strange Trends That Were Previously at the Height of Fashion …

Today, modern fashion shows reflect the most daring ideas of world designers and fashion designers. There was a time and we often lamented at the sight of huge men's suits and jackets on thin girls, but anyway, this trend entered without demand and still continues to be at the peak of popularity. Thus, what immediately seems wild and unimaginable, over time, was densely rubbed into fashion and became the “hit” of the season, year, and maybe even century! In this collection, we will consider the most unusual at first glance trends that fashionistas from the past millennium were like ...

The 7 Worst Epidemics in Human History

The new year 2020 began with the advent of a new virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan. To date, coronavirus has claimed about 100 lives and continues to test people for strength. The history of mankind has repeatedly known extremely dangerous viruses and epidemics, which claimed millions of lives, wreaking havoc on the trail of panic and chaos. But even the worst of all infections, people managed to win and live on ... exactly until the next outbreak of some mutated flu.

History of the Names of Famous Car Brands

Have you ever wondered why the brand of your car is called exactly what it is called? Of course, many automakers adopted the name of their founders, but there are also those whose history has a more complicated history ...

Exotic Pets Held by the Chinese at Home

Snakes, crocodiles, spiders, toads - this is not the whole list of domestic animals brought up by the inhabitants of China. We share with you the stories and photos of the owners of the most exotic species of animals ...

Interesting Facts About Michael Jackson

The life of a great musician is shrouded in many secrets and conjectures. Even after death, the rumors around his person do not cease to fade. The most unusual facts from the life of the king of pop read here.

Charming Triplets From London

There are not so many triplets as three drops of water in this world, and they certainly attract much more attention. Especially when it comes to pretty girls, identical twins and completely identical sisters. You are not familiar with them yet? Then it's time to fix it!