Талант должен оцениваться по достоинству. А именно в гонорарах. Ознакомьтесь со списком топовых актеров, которых заработали на съемках целое состояние!
These cars break all ideas about the latest technology and are able to travel not only by land but by water. Which of these amphibious cars will seem most unusual to you?
The slender legs of these ladies attract men's glances and make the girls turned green with envy. The sexiest and longest legs - which of the stars can boast of this? In today's selection, we have compiled a list of popular girls who have not only endless talent and creativity, but also incredibly beautiful and slender legs!
What do you think was the situation on the roads and accident statistics in the 1930s? How was car safety ensured? And how many people died in car accidents in those days and now? Little by little about everything in this photo compilation from places of accidents that occurred about 100 years ago!
The truth is, everything in this world is known in comparison! Human vision is an amazing thing, but alas, it is not always possible to trust it. Sometimes, in order to understand the real size of certain things, sometimes familiar to us, things, they just need to be placed next to those whose real sizes we know for sure. You will be surprised how big or small some objects, phenomena or creatures actually are, the real size of which we could not have guessed.
Everyone had such moments of life when it seemed as if the whole world was opposed to one person. But, despite a string of failures, you should never lower your head down and be upset, because after a black stripe you should always have a white one! These photos are about people who know firsthand what a "bad day" is and how they deal with it.
In the real estate market, it often happens that the photos of the published object do not coincide with reality. This is done in order to simply attract the attention of the client. But in the case of this house, everything was exactly the opposite. A 96-year-old grandmother sold her home in Toronto. What the realtors saw when they went inside an unremarkable house caused them genuine surprise ...
We have long known that in order to prevent such a fatal ailment as cancer, you must adhere to a healthy diet and exclude foods with a high carcinogen content from your diet. But it turned out that this is not so easy to do, even if you have already refused delicious pastries and sweet cakes. Next, we present 11 dangerous products, the use of which must either be minimized or properly prepared before use.
A selection of color photographs of cars from the USA, made in the golden era - in the 1950-1960s. Colorful photographs provide an opportunity to touch the story without losing the slightest detail of the atmosphere of the past.
Today we are ready to throw tomatoes at everyone who says that after 50, life is already gradually coming to its logical conclusion and all that remains to be done by men and women at this age is to nurse their grandchildren and dig a vegetable garden. But no! And today's heroine, a grandmother from Germany, will easily prove it! It's never too late to live, and even more so to live brightly and richly, the way she does it ...
The new year 2020 began with the advent of a new virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan. To date, coronavirus has claimed about 100 lives and continues to test people for strength. The history of mankind has repeatedly known extremely dangerous viruses and epidemics, which claimed millions of lives, wreaking havoc on the trail of panic and chaos. But even the worst of all infections, people managed to win and live on ... exactly until the next outbreak of some mutated flu.