Global quarantine has been going on for more than a month and for many people self-isolation is gradually becoming a real torture. Not only ordinary people, but also stars are forced to hide at home, because it is their behavior that other imitate. So they are simply forced to set the right example. How do celebrities in quarantine spend their weekdays? This is exactly what today's selection will tell ...
Real fashionistas, long before the onset of heat, prepare for the high season and select trendy images that will correspond to the latest news. Swimwear designers have already demonstrated to girls a wide variety of models and forms of swimsuits for 2020, which you can see in this collection.
Dictatorship is one of the forms of government by the state, the meaning of which is believed in unlimited power. Unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), in the modern world you can still meet real dictators at the helm. We present to you 10 of the most famous dictators.
Snakes, crocodiles, spiders, toads - this is not the whole list of domestic animals brought up by the inhabitants of China. We share with you the stories and photos of the owners of the most exotic species of animals ...
Manila is the capital of the Philippines and the most densely populated city on the island of Luzon. This city makes the most unpleasant first impression and the more you delve into its history and atmosphere, the more terrible it becomes. One of the most frightening places in Manila is the city cemetery, in the territory of which hundreds of living people settled. It is about this place that will be discussed in this collection ...
Probably, every parent who has his own car, faced with a situation when he had to think, "How long can I leave the child alone in the car?". The answer to this question is categorical and unequivocal: if you need to leave for even a few minutes, in no case leave the child alone in a closed car! You can put his life and health in serious danger, and the consequences can be irreversible! The 9 main reasons that will clarify this ban will be described in today's selection ...
Being overweight often becomes a serious problem and a health hazard. However, sometimes due to a genetic predisposition or old injuries, athletes have no choice but each of them is free to decide what to do with it. Someone successfully steps over this problem and achieves success, while someone who is overweight puts an end to all sports achievements. In this collection, we will consider the most striking examples of overweight football players who could or could not succeed in their careers ....
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are fourth in the list of the most valuable food crops and are grown in more than 105 countries. Despite the short shelf life, bananas are great as a healthy food. Largely due to the sweet taste and the rich amount of vitamins contained in it. But is everything as rosy as it might seem at first glance? Find out what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day!
The first thing that comes to mind when we think about a healthy lifestyle is a gym, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits. But will these 3 whales be enough to maintain a healthy body? Today we want to share with you a list of 10 small things that in one way or another have a significant impact on your health. Most likely, you hardly ever suspected that something from this list could be so important, however, neglect of these everyday trifles can literally reduce all your good goals to zero.
We all know the amazing model and the retro beauty queen Marilyn Monroe, but few people know that before her this world has already been conquered by an equally attractive and sexy model named Betty Brosmer. At one time, this woman did not leave indifferent any male look and was one of the highest paid models. Let's look into the past and see how Betty was so different from the rest of the models ...
Their affairs were once the top topics of the yellow (and not only) press, but now no one even remembers them ... In this article we will remind you of those famous couples that are forgotten today.