«I’m an Engineer»: 25 Ingenious Inventions of Ordinary People

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Obviously, loyal fans of the Crazy Hands section from a popular TV show worked on inventions from today’s selection. The genius of the authors of these ideas sometimes crosses the maximum mark, but let’s be honest … Who cares how and from what this or that device is made if it works 100%? We bring to your attention 25 ingenious inventions from the category of «I’m my mother’s engineer»!

Dogs That are Very Offended

Dogs are very emotional animals, and can be offended (or pretend) on a level with a person. Just look at these offended dogs, what a range of emotions they can give out!

The Most Interesting Facts About Traffic Jams

Residents of megacities and big cities know firsthand what traffic jams are, especially at rush hour. This collection will tell you about the most fun and unusual facts regarding traffic jams that affect major cities in the world ...

The Beauty Around us! Cute Girls From the City Streets

Young people looking for a couple, pay attention to these photos! All these beauties can be easily met by simply strolling through the city park, visiting the pool, beach, local golf club, ice cream parlor or even during a boat trip. There are a lot of options, like pretty girls! And this selection is a great example ...

12 Hollywood Stars That Have Changed Significantly for the Role

Almost all the stars of show business and Hollywood actors try in one way or another to keep themselves in good physical shape, but when it comes to a major role, how many are ready to subject their body to transformations for the sake of cinema? Well, art requires sacrifice ... And before you is a list of stars who dared to gain or lose weight well for the role in the movie.

20 Pictures of Girls in the Style of the 70s

Absolutely all pictures in this collection was made by photographer Fro Rojas. The main feature of his shots is that he takes pictures with an old film camera. The images in the lens of such an instrument are warm and slightly grainy, like those from the 70s. Favorite models of a foreign master are girls in swimsuits and underwear. Fro is able to capture any of them in such a way that you can not torn off your eyes! Well, and even men who contemplate his unique works rejoice more then models themselves ...

27 Reasons Why Google’s Offices are the Best in the World!

It's no secret that Google employees enjoy the sheer number of privileges the company provides them. For example, massage services, cool parties, free delicacies and much more. However, in addition to these bonuses, each employee has the opportunity to work in a unique, high-tech office with a lot of different "frills" for employees. Today you have the opportunity to see how Google offices around the world look like ...

Feline Body Language: How Your Cat Speaks to You

Each owner of a cat knows that the pet’s mental state and disposition towards something can be easily counted by its pose, habits and facial expressions. To be ready for the various moods of your pet, we advise you to study the main options for feline poses.

How Winter Turns Cars Into Works of Art

Sometimes nature surprises people with its landscapes. In this case, cars served as a canvas for the masterpieces. A selection of photos with unusual frosty patterns on cars.

«A second before the disaster …»: 30 photos

To catch a snapshot at the right time is an indescribable gift of a person that, fortunately or unfortunately, not all professional photographers possess, not to mention ordinary people. Photos taken a second before something inevitable are highly valued and will leave a mark in the memory of the participants for a long time. This is the selection of photos we have prepared for you today ...

50-year-old Stellar Beauties Who Easily Overshadow 30-year-olds

Probably, almost all celebrities are trying to make every effort to make their appearance admired and set an example, even if they are not already 30 years old. However, sometimes it happens that even 50-year-old women look much more pleasant and well-groomed than their young followers. Why did it happen? One can only guess, but we hope that the examples of women from today's selection will help you draw the right conclusions ...