Snow Beauty: Incredible Albinos From Different Countries

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Diandra Forrest

A beautiful model from Tanzania and an amazingly beautiful albino girl with green eyes. Diandra, like most of her albino colleagues, didn’t even care about the model’s career, but her unusual appearance decided everything for her. She is also a young albino lawyer.

55-year-old Woman Has Bright Tattoos All Over Her Body! Photos

Today we are ready to throw tomatoes at everyone who says that after 50, life is already gradually coming to its logical conclusion and all that remains to be done by men and women at this age is to nurse their grandchildren and dig a vegetable garden. But no! And today's heroine, a grandmother from Germany, will easily prove it! It's never too late to live, and even more so to live brightly and richly, the way she does it ...

20 Photos That Will Prove to You That the Wedding Should not be Perfect!

Wedding is the main day in the life of every girl. Everybody want to carry the memory of it through many years! That is why the girls are so careful in choosing the most perfect magnificent dress, the most symmetrical wedding arch and the most immaculate banquet hall. And what will we tell you that a wedding at which something is not going according to plan is appreciated and remembered much better than the most flawless celebration? Photos from this collection are collected here to prove that sometimes the most imperfect wedding becomes the most enchanting and memorable! Just trust your imagination and do not dare to get upset over trifles ...

Cars That Were Made in a Single Copy

We present to your attention 15 cars that were produced in a single copy. And no, these are not museum exhibits, but cars that are quite realistic to meet on the streets of the city ...

Living Barbie Doll From Russia

Angelica Kenova is a girl from Russia, whose appearance is very similar to the appearance of Barbie dolls. Long blonde hair, a thin waist and big eyes - all these advantages are harmoniously interwoven into a single puppet image, but is the girl happy to be the owner of such an appearance?

Al Capone`s Prison

The world's first correctional prison in Philadelphia, with the full name of Eastern State Penitentiary, first received a prisoner in 1829. For more than 100 years of work, a lot of villains and criminals were there, one of which was the well-known mafia boss Al Capone. How was this place different from other prisons and what does it look like now? More on this later ...

The Scandalous Backstage of the Group «Via Gra»

The girl group "Via Gra" made a lot of hype around its members back in the day. Around the young pretty girls there were a lot of rumors and they perceived the same amount of slander at the time. But anyway, this group continued to exist and to this day is developing and pleasing fans.

Is Sugar as Bad as We Think?

In this collection we will try to answer a very controversial and ubiquitous scandalous question: is sugar really harmful, as people think about it? Is it true that sugar consumption can cause diseases such as diabetes and cancer? Does sugar contribute to weight gain and obesity? We will try to answer these and many other questions about the sweet product right now ...

A Young Trucker Told About Her Work

There are some women who are not afraid to go beyond the generally accepted framework and do as their hearts tell them, even if it alerts the society and raises a lot of perplexing questions. Ekaterina Mironova, a trucker from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia is just such a woman. She told about her work, a 20-ton truck and the dangers on the road in one of the interviews ...

Fancy Dog Breeds

Among the many well-known dog breeds are those that strike with their exotic appearance. In this collection we will consider the most unusual and rare dog breeds in the whole world!

How Women Live in Saudi Arabia: Bans and Prejudices

Being a woman in Saudi Arabia is not as easy as it may seem to uninformed people. The thing is that inside their country they have more prohibitions than permits, which greatly affects their life in general and their existence in society. The most interesting thing in this situation is that at the legislative level, no prohibitions have been spelled out and to this day exist as a kind of tribute to traditions. But this, of course, does not free the woman from moral repressions and even physical punishment for the slightest misconduct, up to and including loss of life. The one that can and cannot be women in Saudi Arabia will be discussed in this collection.