In general, the classic model for a car of the 90s. There are so many icons and bulbs on this dashboard that it is not always possible at first glance to understand what’s what. An embarrassment of riches!
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are fourth in the list of the most valuable food crops and are grown in more than 105 countries. Despite the short shelf life, bananas are great as a healthy food. Largely due to the sweet taste and the rich amount of vitamins contained in it. But is everything as rosy as it might seem at first glance? Find out what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day!
The world's first correctional prison in Philadelphia, with the full name of Eastern State Penitentiary, first received a prisoner in 1829. For more than 100 years of work, a lot of villains and criminals were there, one of which was the well-known mafia boss Al Capone. How was this place different from other prisons and what does it look like now? More on this later ...
Did you know that nature also has a sense of humor? Yes, so sharp and unique that sometimes you are amazed by her jokes and antics. Take at least even her gifts, namely fruits and vegetables, which will be discussed today - after watching this selection, you will have no doubt that the fantasy of nature is limitless and wonderful and worth your surprise!
Politicians, however, like all people, do not mind sometimes relaxing a bit. How, where and with whom do the most famous politicians of the world and other dignitaries like to relax? This will be discussed ...
Priroda yeshche ne do kontsa izuchena chelovekom. Zdes' sobrany samyye neobychnyye yavleniya, kotoryye udivlyayut i zavorazhivayut... Научиться произносить Nature has not yet been fully studied by man. Here are the most unusual phenomena that surprise and fascinate ...
These rare photos of Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bridget Bardot on the beach that you most likely have never seen! We offer you a unique selection of old beach vacation shots from the life of world stars.
World War II began on September 1, 1939 with the Nazi German attack on Poland. Subsequently, 61 states took part in this war (this is 80% of the entire globe). The great war claimed the lives of more than 70 million people and became one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of mankind. We prepared the 20 most interesting and little-known facts about the World War II for today's selection.
In the modern market there are many different types of alcoholic beverages: from sweet ale to strong, rich brandy. Many of us are familiar with and recognize the taste of most alcoholic beverages and it seems that we are no longer surprised. However, today's selection is designed just to prove the opposite ...