10 Places Where Exotic Animals Live Instead of Pigeons
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Rabbit Island, Japan.
The small and cozy island of Okunoshima in Japan is known for a small fact: about 700 fluffy rabbits live on it, who freely walk around the island and are happy to contact tourists.
The time of large cars with powerful engines on the streets of the city begins to give way to a new era of compact and economical cars. Here you can find the top ten most interesting cars of our time.
Pictures on Instagram are full of faces of successful young business women and cute guys in Calvin Klein. Users of the popular network are often willing to spend the whole day searching for the original location or give the last $ 100 to highlight an expensive accessory in the photo. All this is necessary in order to appear happy, successful and independent. It seems, but not ... The girl from Thailand decided once and for all to show what is behind the curtain of beautiful photos and created a series of Instagram / Reality collages.
The world is full of beautiful places. But there are those who not only inspire horror and fear, but can also deprive you of sleep. Lovers to tickle their nerves - welcome! TOP 10 creepy places on the planet
China is undoubtedly a great and very developed country. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that the Chinese could not do. This is a strong nation with a huge population and continuous growth of infrastructure used to surprise. Sometimes it seems to us that we already know a lot about this country and that it will be difficult to hit us with something new, but no such luck! Then you will find 20 of the most unexpected and stunning facts about China, which you are likely to hear for the first time ...
In many countries and cities, taxis are not just a yellow car with checkers, but a whole culture. These unusual examples of taxis that are collected here to surprise you ...
Most people are accustomed to the fact that an SUV is primarily a car that can overcome any obstacles that may be encountered on the way: whether it be dirt, stones, holes or dense foliage. However, the news of SUVs declare themselves quite boldly: it is better not to compete with them!
Throughout life, a person is able to change beyond recognition, dividing his appearance literally into "before" and "after". Not only age-related transformations are capable of changing a person, but also a simple change of image, proper makeup and haircut. After viewing these photos, you will understand how capable of changing the appearance of a person after several years and a pair of hands of professionals.
More recently, the wedding of the most muscular star and popular actor Dwayne "The Rocks" Johnson made much noise. We decided to find out who the strongest guys in Hollywood take as their wives ...
Today we are ready to throw tomatoes at everyone who says that after 50, life is already gradually coming to its logical conclusion and all that remains to be done by men and women at this age is to nurse their grandchildren and dig a vegetable garden. But no! And today's heroine, a grandmother from Germany, will easily prove it! It's never too late to live, and even more so to live brightly and richly, the way she does it ...
We present to your attention 15 cars that were produced in a single copy. And no, these are not museum exhibits, but cars that are quite realistic to meet on the streets of the city ...