The Most Popular Cats on the Internet

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The grumpy Grumpy Cat named Tartarus. This kitten began to earn its popularity back in 2012, when a young man (the mistress’s brother) posted a photo of her cat on his Facebook page. Since then, attention to this feline person is only growing …

Top 20 Most Beautiful Athletes in the World

Not a single man on this planet will ignore two things: an attractive female appearance and a match of his favorite sport, and when these two things are combined, they can not resist at all. Your attention is a selection of 20 of the most beautiful and sexy girls, Olympic champions and not only who have achieved success in sports.

The 20 Most Fun and Unusual Animal Air Passengers

Have you ever wondered how animals travel through the air? This topic is of great interest to the people for a reason, because the animals on board the aircraft are not only funny pictures, but also huge psychological support! If the passenger proves that his beloved pet is able to provide him with psychological assistance during the flight, then he will be allowed to take him with him to the cabin (though in a special cage or carrying). But the fact remains! It is quite possible to meet an animal during air travel and thanks to this we have the opportunity to enjoy funny pictures. For example, such as in this collection!

8 Deaths of Actors on the Set

It is generally accepted that the profession of an actor is prestige, success and unheard of popularity. But sometimes, in addition to crowds of fans and lots of money, actors have to face dangerous situations that can overtake them right on the set. Well, if they get off with a couple of abrasions and a fright, but the stories of the cinema are known and such cases when the actors did not come out of the set alive ...

Top Coolest Dance Clubs in the World

Night clubs are places with a special energy that you should plunge into at least once in your life. We present a list of the most chic dance clubs from around the world, which everyone would surely like to visit.

Age is Not a Hindrance: 10 Examples of Stylish Old Women

We live in an amazing time when not only young girls of 20-30 years old can be fashionable, but also elderly ladies, whom even the language does not dare to call "grandmothers". At the age of 60, they bloom with renewed vigor and, despite the graying curls, are not going to close at home and crochet, but quite the opposite - they live in a way that sometimes even young youth themselves do not live.

12 Dogs That Have Become Famous all Over the World

List of dogs whose affairs were not limited to lying on the couch and eating food. These dogs really became the heroes of their time and deserved to be mentioned in history. Why did these dogs deserve such fame and how did they end up on this list? More on this later ...