There are some women who are not afraid to go beyond the generally accepted framework and do as their hearts tell them, even if it alerts the society and raises a lot of perplexing questions. Ekaterina Mironova, a trucker from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia is just such a woman. She told about her work, a 20-ton truck and the dangers on the road in one of the interviews ...
Beauty, as you know, is a very relative concept. And while someone is struggling with naughty hair and problematic skin, others are forced to put up with very unusual flaws, turning them into their own characteristics. It is about these girls that will be discussed in this collection ...
In the modern world we often observe a biased attitude towards couples with unequal age. It is normal for us when a husband is older than his wife, but everything that goes beyond this framework is considered strange. But there are also couples who prove that the age difference is just numbers.
The USSR has always been a closed country. Many events remained secret, especially with regard to disasters. However, not all of them were able to hide ...
Are you tired and want to get distracted? These places will give you unforgettable impressions and the warmest memories of a lifetime. Warm sand, azure shores and a stunning underwater world will not leave anyone indifferent. This collection contains the best islands for rest and relaxation.
Films immerse us in another reality, allowing us to enjoy unique characters, their incredible stories and an amazing world. But have you ever thought about what was happening behind the scenes of popular scenes? How the actors behaved, what they had to endure in preparation for the role and how they interacted with each other ... See all the most interesting facts in this collection!
Around the married couple of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, there were a lot of rumors and accusations, even when they were not a couple at all. But not all of them are meaningless, since this couple really stands out from other honorable royal families with its contradictory and rebelliousness. What rules did the duke and duchess of Sussex manage to break?
Appreciate the skill of fans of the Soviet Zaporozhets around the world. The most incredible examples of tuning and restyling in a bright collection of 14 photos.
Priroda yeshche ne do kontsa izuchena chelovekom. Zdes' sobrany samyye neobychnyye yavleniya, kotoryye udivlyayut i zavorazhivayut... Научиться произносить Nature has not yet been fully studied by man. Here are the most unusual phenomena that surprise and fascinate ...
Some knowledge about animals was passed on to us by word of mouth, some we learned at the school desk, and some we learned from the media. But is all our knowledge true? We picked up 10 erroneous facts about animals that you might not have guessed about ..
Young people looking for a couple, pay attention to these photos! All these beauties can be easily met by simply strolling through the city park, visiting the pool, beach, local golf club, ice cream parlor or even during a boat trip. There are a lot of options, like pretty girls! And this selection is a great example ...
Water in a plastic bottle - it is certainly very convenient. But is it so safe as it might seem at first glance? The price of such a convenience is quite high: from environmental damage to health problems. It is time to consider whether a bottle of water is worth the terrible consequences that it may entail ...