The 20 Most Fun and Unusual Animal Air Passengers

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Someone took aboard as support for a pony named Apple.

Feline Body Language: How Your Cat Speaks to You

Each owner of a cat knows that the pet’s mental state and disposition towards something can be easily counted by its pose, habits and facial expressions. To be ready for the various moods of your pet, we advise you to study the main options for feline poses.

20 Shocking Facts About China That Will Surprise You!

China is undoubtedly a great and very developed country. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that the Chinese could not do. This is a strong nation with a huge population and continuous growth of infrastructure used to surprise. Sometimes it seems to us that we already know a lot about this country and that it will be difficult to hit us with something new, but no such luck! Then you will find 20 of the most unexpected and stunning facts about China, which you are likely to hear for the first time ...

The Actual Sizes of Some Things: 20 Examples With a Comparison!

The truth is, everything in this world is known in comparison! Human vision is an amazing thing, but alas, it is not always possible to trust it. Sometimes, in order to understand the real size of certain things, sometimes familiar to us, things, they just need to be placed next to those whose real sizes we know for sure. You will be surprised how big or small some objects, phenomena or creatures actually are, the real size of which we could not have guessed.

18 Photoshopped Pictures With President of America Donald Trump

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has been at the helm of the board since 2015, and during this time quite a few memes and photoshoped pictures have been added about him. Vivid gestures and numerous statements by Trump served as an excellent occasion for the development of Internet folklore with his participation. Especially netizens like to joke about Donald Trump's hairstyle and his sparkling facial expressions. A selection of 18 selected photo jokes are here!

TOP Unusual Facts About Cars

Did you know why Steve Jobs always drove without numbers and why in the Porsche the ignition key is always on the left? We will reveal these and other interesting facts in this collection of unusual facts that you did not know about cars ...

13 Most Terrible And Dangerous Airports in the World

People who are afraid to fly usually reluctantly get on airplanes and travel long distances. Usually their fear is not confirmed by anything and is based on personal beliefs. However, looking at some airports, even the most daring traveler would have thought a hundred times before planning a flight to these countries. We offer you a rating of the most dangerous airports in the world, from which blood runs cold ...