9 Reasons Why You Can Not Leave the Child Alone in the Car

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7. A child can start a car

Children are very observant and as early as 3-4 years old can easily remember and repeat the algorithm of actions that mom or dad produce in order to start a car. As a result, your child may be in an uncontrolled car! This is dangerous not only for him, but also for everyone around this car.

Snow Beauty: Incredible Albinos From Different Countries

These people are different. Their appearance will always be an occasion for discussion: both good and quite the opposite. On average, albinism appears in one in 20 thousand people and the most unusual is that it can be people of completely different nationalities. In this collection we will show you how albinos look in different countries of the world ...

Color Photos of London During the Second World War

The attacks of the German Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II brought a lot of fatal destruction and claimed more than one hundred lives. Many cities suffered from German “attacks”, but sometimes it seems that London has suffered the most: more than a million buildings were completely destroyed, more than 20,000 civilians were killed, but the Wehrmacht did not achieve its main goal, because the British’s strong spirit was not to break just ...

10 Cars From Tarantino Films

Quentin Tarantino has always been selective in terms of choosing actors for the best roles in his films. The same can be said about the choice of cars. In anticipation of the release of a new film from Quentin, we offer you a selection of the best cars involved in his films ...

Man, Stop it! Animals That Halved in 40 Years

More recently, the World Wildlife Fund has published statistics stating that wildlife has declined by 52% since 1970. Your attention is invited to a selection of animals that have experienced the influence of man on nature.

Age is Not a Hindrance: 10 Examples of Stylish Old Women

We live in an amazing time when not only young girls of 20-30 years old can be fashionable, but also elderly ladies, whom even the language does not dare to call "grandmothers". At the age of 60, they bloom with renewed vigor and, despite the graying curls, are not going to close at home and crochet, but quite the opposite - they live in a way that sometimes even young youth themselves do not live.

Sleeping Beauty: a Girl With an Unusual Syndrome Sleeps for 2 Weeks in a row!

A girl from Southern California, who suffers from a rare disorder, felt on herself what it means to be a princess from a fairy tale about a sleeping beauty with one difference: no matter how beautiful the prince, he will not be able to "spell" a girl ... How an American lives with a rare disease and what does it have to face in the course of life? This will be discussed further ...

Fancy 90s Dashboards

A selection of good old dashboards from cars of the 90s that will dispel your confidence that "everything was better before." You will not find such chips and functions in any modern car ...

15 Photos of Animals Strikingly Similar to the Stars

The world of people and animals has been closely connected by invisible threads for many centuries. Among amusing animals it is surprisingly often possible to meet familiar facial features of some world celebrities. Perhaps this is due to the popularity of celebrity, because it is their faces that we see every day on TV screens and pages of glossy magazines. But, from here it is easy to conclude that if you look closely, everyone can find a double in the animal world!

A Young Trucker Told About Her Work

There are some women who are not afraid to go beyond the generally accepted framework and do as their hearts tell them, even if it alerts the society and raises a lot of perplexing questions. Ekaterina Mironova, a trucker from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia is just such a woman. She told about her work, a 20-ton truck and the dangers on the road in one of the interviews ...

10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs

For many people, hedgehogs are associated with cute prickly animals that drag apples and mushrooms on their backs into a hole. In fact, the hedgehog is a predator that eats everything that it can find. And this is far from always mushrooms and berries ...