20 Shocking Facts About China That Will Surprise You!
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It is China that is to blame for the dirty air of San Francisco. Pollutant emissions from China successfully cross the Pacific Ocean, reaching a huge city in the USA and poisoning its air by as much as 30%!
Who would have thought ... those products that are familiar to us - may be prohibited by law in another country! It is interesting to look at this list.
The new year 2020 began with the advent of a new virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan. To date, coronavirus has claimed about 100 lives and continues to test people for strength. The history of mankind has repeatedly known extremely dangerous viruses and epidemics, which claimed millions of lives, wreaking havoc on the trail of panic and chaos. But even the worst of all infections, people managed to win and live on ... exactly until the next outbreak of some mutated flu.
Rating is difficult and even pointless, and beauty is a very relative concept, especially when it comes to girls and their external data. But, nevertheless, it is possible to understand which girls are in the TOP taste preferences around the world! The well-known Google search engine ranked the most attractive girls around the world based on the preferences of their users and was not greedy to share it on the network ...
To lose weight, a sufficient number of all kinds of diets have already been invented. Most of them require tremendous willpower and, oddly enough, a considerable amount of money. But progress does not stand still and today scientists have compiled a list of products that will help get rid of extra pounds in the "background", simply by eating fat-burning foods.
An American named Katie Sturino is convinced that the size of her clothes does not determine the breadth of stylish images of a woman. Katie got a large number of fans, because the idea that she advocates found a response in the hearts of many ladies with not perfect figures. A woman can be attractive and happy always. Today, with Katie as an example, we want to prove it!
We all love summer. This is a wonderful and vibrant season. But there are some nuances that parents of young children should pay attention to. Here are some tips for mothers in the summer ...
Jellyfish is a unique underwater creature that is 95% water and only 5% solids. We are accustomed to being surprised at the beauty and heterogeneity of the jellyfish's body, but we often forget that behind the eccentric external appearance there is a huge danger in the form of the strongest poisons that can kill a person in a matter of seconds. In today's selection, we will sanctify 7 of the most dangerous, but rather cute jellyfish, which should not be approached even for the sake of a beautiful photo ...
It is generally accepted that the profession of an actor is prestige, success and unheard of popularity. But sometimes, in addition to crowds of fans and lots of money, actors have to face dangerous situations that can overtake them right on the set. Well, if they get off with a couple of abrasions and a fright, but the stories of the cinema are known and such cases when the actors did not come out of the set alive ...
Man, like all life on our planet, obeys the laws of nature. We may not know something about them, but they work. But ignorance of the laws written by man, as we recall, will not help to avoid punishment. Each country has its own laws and regulations, so before planning your trip to a new country, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the legislative regulation of life on its territory. And to convince you of this, we suggest you look our selection of non-standard and funny laws from around the world ....
2020 for Ukraine begans with a large-scale plane crash, which claimed the lives of 176 people. On the morning of January 8, in the capital of Iran, Tehran, a Ukrainian passenger plane, UIA, crashed on a Tehran-Kiev flight. All 9 crew members, as well as 2 passengers were citizens of Ukraine. Read more about this tragedy and other major air crashes in the world ...
Every day, people around the world face many inconveniences in using familiar things. Fortunately, at the same time, other people invent ingenious devices that simplify a human’s life. It is about such necessary, but very simple at first glance, things and ideas that will be discussed today ...
We are used to consider ants an icon of hard work and strength. These small insects were able to create their own hierarchy and build entire cities underground. This collection will tell you about interesting facts that you might not have known about ants ...