12 Kinds of Secret Weapons of China

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Anti-satellite missile

Today, China is one of the few countries with the ability to shoot down satellites in space. More recently, the Pentagon has learned new rocket trials in China. In addition, China is also conducting weapons testing in Mongolia. This information is still not accurate and creates an areola of secrecy around China, and this, of course, cannot but scare.

The Most Popular Amphibious Cars

These cars break all ideas about the latest technology and are able to travel not only by land but by water. Which of these amphibious cars will seem most unusual to you?

An Elderly Grandmother Sold Her House. No One Expected to See What Was Inside!

In the real estate market, it often happens that the photos of the published object do not coincide with reality. This is done in order to simply attract the attention of the client. But in the case of this house, everything was exactly the opposite. A 96-year-old grandmother sold her home in Toronto. What the realtors saw when they went inside an unremarkable house caused them genuine surprise ...

20 Photos From the Days of Prohibition

In the United States, Prohibition began to operate in 1920 and continued right up to 1933. For 13 years, people have tried in every possible way to circumvent the ban on the sale, production and transportation of alcohol, staged demonstrations, protests, and massively engaged in smuggling. In our time, it is still difficult to imagine the effect of this law in full force. However, what the consequences may be and how people lived during the prohibitions on alcohol can be seen in the next photo selection.

25 People Who Didn’t Caught a Break

Everyone had such moments of life when it seemed as if the whole world was opposed to one person. But, despite a string of failures, you should never lower your head down and be upset, because after a black stripe you should always have a white one! These photos are about people who know firsthand what a "bad day" is and how they deal with it.

Accident at a Speed of 20 km/h of the 1930s

What do you think was the situation on the roads and accident statistics in the 1930s? How was car safety ensured? And how many people died in car accidents in those days and now? Little by little about everything in this photo compilation from places of accidents that occurred about 100 years ago!

Fancy 90s Dashboards

A selection of good old dashboards from cars of the 90s that will dispel your confidence that "everything was better before." You will not find such chips and functions in any modern car ...