Giving women names for cars is a romantic tendency of many automakers. Such names sound melodic and cannot be pronounced without much trepidation. In this collection, we look at a dozen of the most popular cars that bore (or still carry) female names ...
To catch a snapshot at the right time is an indescribable gift of a person that, fortunately or unfortunately, not all professional photographers possess, not to mention ordinary people. Photos taken a second before something inevitable are highly valued and will leave a mark in the memory of the participants for a long time. This is the selection of photos we have prepared for you today ...
Probably, every person who possesses even the most standard fearlessness experiences a kind of excitement at the sight of their ... snakes. Of course, these animals are very beautiful, intelligent and in complete safety will not attack a person, but for some reason this does not soften the fear in the eyes of an ordinary person at the sight of a huge python. Some of the snakes can cause death with one bite, while others are less poisonous. However, this does not negate the fact that a quarter of these reptiles are, in one way or another, dangerous to humans. We show the most "terrible" of possible snakes in this list ...
Here is the creation of master Sterling Backus, who, together with his son, dared to recreate a model of the popular sports car Lamborghini Aventador. See what they did!
We all know the amazing model and the retro beauty queen Marilyn Monroe, but few people know that before her this world has already been conquered by an equally attractive and sexy model named Betty Brosmer. At one time, this woman did not leave indifferent any male look and was one of the highest paid models. Let's look into the past and see how Betty was so different from the rest of the models ...
Copenhagen - at first glance it is an ordinary metropolis, but if you dig deeper - a unique European city that could surprise the whole world! Let's get to know him better ...
A selection of positive photos, each of which will tell you its unique story. The most unusual photos collected from around the globe: about people, their lives, fates, addictions, moments, impressions and memories! Sit back and tune in to a wave of positive and vibrant emotions ...
In the life of every person, sooner or later, there comes a period when it seems that everything is going wrong: there is no money, you are tired of work, there are problems in your personal life, and in general there is no mood for anything - in general, a complete breakdown of strength and energy! And no, this is not a description of the autumn depression, as many might think. Such a period can occur for every person. You can call it an age crisis or "unhappy age", but it is probably worth knowing when it is approximately worth preparing for changes in mood ...
Often, exciting stories from catastrophe films turn out to be real events based on the fates of real people and the stories of real incidents. Such films will be discussed in this collection, which contains the best pictures based on completely existing disasters of anthropogenic or natural character.
Global quarantine has been going on for more than a month and for many people self-isolation is gradually becoming a real torture. Not only ordinary people, but also stars are forced to hide at home, because it is their behavior that other imitate. So they are simply forced to set the right example. How do celebrities in quarantine spend their weekdays? This is exactly what today's selection will tell ...