Smugglers came up with the most incredible schemes and options for circumventing the Prohibition. It seems that these years were the heyday of limitless human imagination.
The girl group "Via Gra" made a lot of hype around its members back in the day. Around the young pretty girls there were a lot of rumors and they perceived the same amount of slander at the time. But anyway, this group continued to exist and to this day is developing and pleasing fans.
Surely a dog is a friend of man. However, not everyone can afford to get such a friend because live in an apartment. But this does not matter! We have compiled for you a rating of dogs that are most suitable for keeping in an apartment.
Are you tired and want to get distracted? These places will give you unforgettable impressions and the warmest memories of a lifetime. Warm sand, azure shores and a stunning underwater world will not leave anyone indifferent. This collection contains the best islands for rest and relaxation.
A selection of color photographs of cars from the USA, made in the golden era - in the 1950-1960s. Colorful photographs provide an opportunity to touch the story without losing the slightest detail of the atmosphere of the past.
No matter how kind and affectionate the tamed animal is, it still remains an animal. Therefore, any factor can become a provocation for him to attack, because, first of all, the main difference between an animal and a person is its animal instinct ....
Probably with every motorist once in a life there was a situation when the car crashed. Of course, the best solution is an immediate visit to the workshop. But sometimes you just need to listen to what your car says and it is likely that this will help to solve a problem that has suddenly arisen ...
Have you ever wondered why the brand of your car is called exactly what it is called? Of course, many automakers adopted the name of their founders, but there are also those whose history has a more complicated history ...
In the modern market there are many different types of alcoholic beverages: from sweet ale to strong, rich brandy. Many of us are familiar with and recognize the taste of most alcoholic beverages and it seems that we are no longer surprised. However, today's selection is designed just to prove the opposite ...
Being a woman in Saudi Arabia is not as easy as it may seem to uninformed people. The thing is that inside their country they have more prohibitions than permits, which greatly affects their life in general and their existence in society. The most interesting thing in this situation is that at the legislative level, no prohibitions have been spelled out and to this day exist as a kind of tribute to traditions. But this, of course, does not free the woman from moral repressions and even physical punishment for the slightest misconduct, up to and including loss of life. The one that can and cannot be women in Saudi Arabia will be discussed in this collection.
We are used to consider ants an icon of hard work and strength. These small insects were able to create their own hierarchy and build entire cities underground. This collection will tell you about interesting facts that you might not have known about ants ...
Copenhagen - at first glance it is an ordinary metropolis, but if you dig deeper - a unique European city that could surprise the whole world! Let's get to know him better ...