The Most Beautiful Girls in the World According to Google
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Zhang Ziyi
Time magazine called Zhang Ziyi “a Chinese gift to Hollywood,” and People twice included the actress in the list of 50 most beautiful people on the planet.
Man, like all life on our planet, obeys the laws of nature. We may not know something about them, but they work. But ignorance of the laws written by man, as we recall, will not help to avoid punishment. Each country has its own laws and regulations, so before planning your trip to a new country, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the legislative regulation of life on its territory. And to convince you of this, we suggest you look our selection of non-standard and funny laws from around the world ....
Chinese engineers have come up with many useful, but sometimes very strange-looking, accessories for the convenience of using the car and increasing the comfort of the driver behind the steering wheel. This collection will acquaint you with the most unusual of them!
Absolutely all pictures in this collection was made by photographer Fro Rojas. The main feature of his shots is that he takes pictures with an old film camera. The images in the lens of such an instrument are warm and slightly grainy, like those from the 70s. Favorite models of a foreign master are girls in swimsuits and underwear. Fro is able to capture any of them in such a way that you can not torn off your eyes! Well, and even men who contemplate his unique works rejoice more then models themselves ...
Children, of course, always try to take an example from their parents and imitate them in every way. That is why the connection between the two generations is so clearly seen in these pictures ...
More recently, the wedding of the most muscular star and popular actor Dwayne "The Rocks" Johnson made much noise. We decided to find out who the strongest guys in Hollywood take as their wives ...
Талант должен оцениваться по достоинству. А именно в гонорарах. Ознакомьтесь со списком топовых актеров, которых заработали на съемках целое состояние!
Around the married couple of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, there were a lot of rumors and accusations, even when they were not a couple at all. But not all of them are meaningless, since this couple really stands out from other honorable royal families with its contradictory and rebelliousness. What rules did the duke and duchess of Sussex manage to break?
Each owner of a cat knows that the pet’s mental state and disposition towards something can be easily counted by its pose, habits and facial expressions. To be ready for the various moods of your pet, we advise you to study the main options for feline poses.
Among the many well-known dog breeds are those that strike with their exotic appearance. In this collection we will consider the most unusual and rare dog breeds in the whole world!
At first glance, all these products are quite edible and appetizing and look so realistic that immediately there is a desire to sweep them off the plates without a trace. In fact, all this food is the work of the talented Japanese sculptor Seiji Kawasaki, who makes identical-looking food products from ... wood!