These rare photos of Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bridget Bardot on the beach that you most likely have never seen! We offer you a unique selection of old beach vacation shots from the life of world stars.
The girl group "Via Gra" made a lot of hype around its members back in the day. Around the young pretty girls there were a lot of rumors and they perceived the same amount of slander at the time. But anyway, this group continued to exist and to this day is developing and pleasing fans.
Every year, when the temperature drops below zero, most rivers, ponds, lakes and even some oceans are covered with a thick layer of impenetrable ice, forming on their surface either snow patterns or masterpieces of fine art. Such beauty cannot be described in words, so we have prepared for you this selection of 17 photos so that you can fully enjoy these icy views and anticipate the coming frosts ...
It is generally accepted that the profession of an actor is prestige, success and unheard of popularity. But sometimes, in addition to crowds of fans and lots of money, actors have to face dangerous situations that can overtake them right on the set. Well, if they get off with a couple of abrasions and a fright, but the stories of the cinema are known and such cases when the actors did not come out of the set alive ...
Priroda yeshche ne do kontsa izuchena chelovekom. Zdes' sobrany samyye neobychnyye yavleniya, kotoryye udivlyayut i zavorazhivayut... Научиться произносить Nature has not yet been fully studied by man. Here are the most unusual phenomena that surprise and fascinate ...
Some Hollywood stars are not only famous for the status of the richest and most successful actors, but also are fathers of many children. Who decided to raise more than 10 children? See in this collection.
“Volga”, “Moskvitch” and “Lada” managed to see this world beyond the borders of their native country. Soviet cars were quite successfully exported even before the start of the war to countries such as Turkey, the Baltic states and others. In this collection, we will tell you about all the cars that were successfully used not only by russian people, but also by other people ...
Professional modeling is not the easiest niche that a young and pretty girl can choose for her career. Hard work, harsh conditions for collaboration, photo shoots in the heat and cold, constant trips - this is not a complete list of what top models have to endure. If you study this issue in more detail, it becomes clear why they are paid SUCH fees. Throughout the history of the profession, you can select a list of several of the highest paid supermodels from around the world. Who are these girls? Learn about this from this collection!
Throughout the world, up to 30% of the population is overweight. Someone does not have time to go to the gym, someone is not able to restrain from sweets, and someone simply does not have enough motivation. But people from today's selection are definitely not from this number, because their transformations are an example of what if you really want to, you can achieve everything and now they themselves serve as motivation for others ...