Facts From Behind the Scenes of Popular Films

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Forrest Gump

The actor who starred in this film, Tom Hanks was not paid a fee for this film. Instead, the actor chose to receive interest on box office. He ultimately received $ 40 million.

What Does Your Car Say About?

Probably with every motorist once in a life there was a situation when the car crashed. Of course, the best solution is an immediate visit to the workshop. But sometimes you just need to listen to what your car says and it is likely that this will help to solve a problem that has suddenly arisen ...

The Highest Paid Models of All Time: 15 Photos

Professional modeling is not the easiest niche that a young and pretty girl can choose for her career. Hard work, harsh conditions for collaboration, photo shoots in the heat and cold, constant trips - this is not a complete list of what top models have to endure. If you study this issue in more detail, it becomes clear why they are paid SUCH fees. Throughout the history of the profession, you can select a list of several of the highest paid supermodels from around the world. Who are these girls? Learn about this from this collection!

The Most Expensive And Unusual Gifts of Stars

What to give to a person who has everything? This question with an unenviable frequency worries all the stars and their entourage, because perfume, jewelry, travel and even an apartment or a car will not particularly impress any of them. Well, in this collection, look at how celebrities are surprised!

10 SUVs With Which it is Better Not to Measure Anything

Most people are accustomed to the fact that an SUV is primarily a car that can overcome any obstacles that may be encountered on the way: whether it be dirt, stones, holes or dense foliage. However, the news of SUVs declare themselves quite boldly: it is better not to compete with them!

Useful Car Accessories You Might not Know About

Chinese engineers have come up with many useful, but sometimes very strange-looking, accessories for the convenience of using the car and increasing the comfort of the driver behind the steering wheel. This collection will acquaint you with the most unusual of them!

11 Disaster Films Based on Real Events

Often, exciting stories from catastrophe films turn out to be real events based on the fates of real people and the stories of real incidents. Such films will be discussed in this collection, which contains the best pictures based on completely existing disasters of anthropogenic or natural character.

8 Deaths of Actors on the Set

It is generally accepted that the profession of an actor is prestige, success and unheard of popularity. But sometimes, in addition to crowds of fans and lots of money, actors have to face dangerous situations that can overtake them right on the set. Well, if they get off with a couple of abrasions and a fright, but the stories of the cinema are known and such cases when the actors did not come out of the set alive ...

Everywhere Cheating: Instagram / Reality Collages From a Girl From Thailand

Pictures on Instagram are full of faces of successful young business women and cute guys in Calvin Klein. Users of the popular network are often willing to spend the whole day searching for the original location or give the last $ 100 to highlight an expensive accessory in the photo. All this is necessary in order to appear happy, successful and independent. It seems, but not ... The girl from Thailand decided once and for all to show what is behind the curtain of beautiful photos and created a series of Instagram / Reality collages.

What Did the Most Beautiful Women in the World Look Like 100 Years Ago?

Each period in our history is distinguished not only by significant events and moments that turned its course once and for all, but also by certain standards of appearance that were adopted at one time or another. Today we offer you to see what were the standards of beauty 100 years ago among women and which of them were considered at that time the most attractive, charming and desirable ...

Funny Shots of the Uneasy Relationship Between Cats and Dogs

You probably know pictures from the Internet, which show the true friendship between pets and their devoted love for each other. It is so dear to look at such shots that the heart is squeezed by the sugary sweetness. But, as you probably already guessed, reality sometimes looks a little different and not all furry members of the same family get along as peacefully and amicably. Often their uneasy relationship gives a lot of trouble to their owners, but one cannot argue with the fact that their internecine showdown always looks very comical!