10 Most Intelligent Animals

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Squirrels are not only quick-witted, but also able to crank up pretty tricky schemes. For example, if you once fed a squirrel, then it is likely that the next day it will come back to you again and will gladly accept a handful of goodies. The squirrels can repeat these actions indefinitely, because everything that she fails to eat at one time, she will carefully save in her «secret».

10 Erroneous Facts About Animals

Some knowledge about animals was passed on to us by word of mouth, some we learned at the school desk, and some we learned from the media. But is all our knowledge true? We picked up 10 erroneous facts about animals that you might not have guessed about ..

Amazing Transformations of People of All Formats and Ages!

Throughout life, a person is able to change beyond recognition, dividing his appearance literally into "before" and "after". Not only age-related transformations are capable of changing a person, but also a simple change of image, proper makeup and haircut. After viewing these photos, you will understand how capable of changing the appearance of a person after several years and a pair of hands of professionals.

27 Reasons Why Google’s Offices are the Best in the World!

It's no secret that Google employees enjoy the sheer number of privileges the company provides them. For example, massage services, cool parties, free delicacies and much more. However, in addition to these bonuses, each employee has the opportunity to work in a unique, high-tech office with a lot of different "frills" for employees. Today you have the opportunity to see how Google offices around the world look like ...

What Happens if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are fourth in the list of the most valuable food crops and are grown in more than 105 countries. Despite the short shelf life, bananas are great as a healthy food. Largely due to the sweet taste and the rich amount of vitamins contained in it. But is everything as rosy as it might seem at first glance? Find out what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day!

How Women Live in Saudi Arabia: Bans and Prejudices

Being a woman in Saudi Arabia is not as easy as it may seem to uninformed people. The thing is that inside their country they have more prohibitions than permits, which greatly affects their life in general and their existence in society. The most interesting thing in this situation is that at the legislative level, no prohibitions have been spelled out and to this day exist as a kind of tribute to traditions. But this, of course, does not free the woman from moral repressions and even physical punishment for the slightest misconduct, up to and including loss of life. The one that can and cannot be women in Saudi Arabia will be discussed in this collection.

The Most Popular Amphibious Cars

These cars break all ideas about the latest technology and are able to travel not only by land but by water. Which of these amphibious cars will seem most unusual to you?

The Retro Beauty Who Conquered the World BEFORE Marilyn Monroe is Already 84 Years Old!

We all know the amazing model and the retro beauty queen Marilyn Monroe, but few people know that before her this world has already been conquered by an equally attractive and sexy model named Betty Brosmer. At one time, this woman did not leave indifferent any male look and was one of the highest paid models. Let's look into the past and see how Betty was so different from the rest of the models ...

Everywhere Cheating: Instagram / Reality Collages From a Girl From Thailand

Pictures on Instagram are full of faces of successful young business women and cute guys in Calvin Klein. Users of the popular network are often willing to spend the whole day searching for the original location or give the last $ 100 to highlight an expensive accessory in the photo. All this is necessary in order to appear happy, successful and independent. It seems, but not ... The girl from Thailand decided once and for all to show what is behind the curtain of beautiful photos and created a series of Instagram / Reality collages.

The Highest Paid Models of All Time: 15 Photos

Professional modeling is not the easiest niche that a young and pretty girl can choose for her career. Hard work, harsh conditions for collaboration, photo shoots in the heat and cold, constant trips - this is not a complete list of what top models have to endure. If you study this issue in more detail, it becomes clear why they are paid SUCH fees. Throughout the history of the profession, you can select a list of several of the highest paid supermodels from around the world. Who are these girls? Learn about this from this collection!