Man, Stop it! Animals That Halved in 40 Years

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Forest elephant. The number of remaining individuals: about 600 thousand.

The number of these elephants declined mainly due to the vigorous activity of poachers who kill animals for ivory. Due to human invasion of animal habitats, the number of forest elephants decreased by more than 60% from 2002 to 2011. Currently, only 7% of elephants live in their habitat.

Plastic Surgery Victims — Men

It is generally accepted that plastic surgery is a disease of women, because their desire to achieve the ideal of their beauty sometimes knows no boundaries. But, the modern world expands the scope of stereotypes and today it is not uncommon to meet a man with implants in his cheekbones, a corrected nose and deflated lips. True, some representatives of the stronger sex also sometimes "go too far" in their pursuit of beauty, and this is what we see later ...

Accident at a Speed of 20 km/h of the 1930s

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An Elderly Grandmother Sold Her House. No One Expected to See What Was Inside!

In the real estate market, it often happens that the photos of the published object do not coincide with reality. This is done in order to simply attract the attention of the client. But in the case of this house, everything was exactly the opposite. A 96-year-old grandmother sold her home in Toronto. What the realtors saw when they went inside an unremarkable house caused them genuine surprise ...

Nobody knows about Elon Musk! 15 facts

The well-known billionaire and invent Elon Musk never tires of surprising the world with his incredible ideas. This man managed to achieve really great heights in the technology industry, develop a promising business and become the idol of millions of people! His ambitions destroy all the usual framework of the possible, and ideas strike the minds of even experienced professionals. It seems that his whole life is accessible at a glance, but still there are a few things that you are likely to learn about for the first time today ...

20 Pictures of Girls in the Style of the 70s

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TOP Unusual Facts About Cars

Did you know why Steve Jobs always drove without numbers and why in the Porsche the ignition key is always on the left? We will reveal these and other interesting facts in this collection of unusual facts that you did not know about cars ...

Perhaps the Most Unpleasant But Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

It seems that there is no such person in the world who would love cockroaches. These disgusting insects often bother residents of apartments and houses, and besides, their neighborhood is not so easy to get rid of. What else is cockroaches infamous for? About this in the selection of cockroaches ...

50-year-old Stellar Beauties Who Easily Overshadow 30-year-olds

Probably, almost all celebrities are trying to make every effort to make their appearance admired and set an example, even if they are not already 30 years old. However, sometimes it happens that even 50-year-old women look much more pleasant and well-groomed than their young followers. Why did it happen? One can only guess, but we hope that the examples of women from today's selection will help you draw the right conclusions ...

6 Forbidden Types of the Most DANGEROUS Weapons

Throughout history, mankind has never stopped trying to create various types of weapons for various purposes. At the same time, while mankind created them, certain prohibitions on its use came out. For example, the popes banned the crossbow, and Homer spoke disapprovingly of the bow. In the 21st century, the scale of invented weapons reached a completely different level of danger, which can be called deadly. Which of the existing military guns managed to be banned and why are these inventions so dangerous?

7 Reasons not to Drink Bottled Water Again

Water in a plastic bottle - it is certainly very convenient. But is it so safe as it might seem at first glance? The price of such a convenience is quite high: from environmental damage to health problems. It is time to consider whether a bottle of water is worth the terrible consequences that it may entail ...

55-year-old Woman Has Bright Tattoos All Over Her Body! Photos

Today we are ready to throw tomatoes at everyone who says that after 50, life is already gradually coming to its logical conclusion and all that remains to be done by men and women at this age is to nurse their grandchildren and dig a vegetable garden. But no! And today's heroine, a grandmother from Germany, will easily prove it! It's never too late to live, and even more so to live brightly and richly, the way she does it ...